In order to offer efficient solutions it requires minimal installation and quick access to the world. iDirect offers an excellent solution for such circumstances with minimal power requirements and Constellation offers special pricing for disaster recovery and redundant solutions. Well positioned as the leader in innovative technology for satellite communications, iDirect continues to carve out a unique nitch by creating a dynamic group of features including Quality of Service, TCP/IP acceleration and cRTP. The technology is ever changing to ensure the most effective cutting edge concepts are incorporated. iDirect offers a range of products in the iNFINITI series that are suitable for many applications while at the same time reducing the requirement for an additional router by building desired features into the modem. iDirect modems uses the high performance TDM on the outbound and deterministic MF-TDMA technology on the inbound. The included iSite program allows for activly montioring of current network conditions and traffic patterns.